What is SCRIP?
With SCRIP you can purchase gift cards for your everyday and special occasion shopping and Hayhurst gets a donation from the vendors.
Orders Due Monday
September 11, 2:30 p.m. (end of school)

Order Forms will go home with students this week, are attached here, and will be posted on the Hayhurst Facebook group.

How Scrip Works:
1. Fill out the order form
2. Do the math and write a check to Hayhurst PTA
3. Place your order form and check in the PTA Lock box in the office by end of school Monday
4. Pick up your order on Friday Morning– at the PTA Coffee Cart from Tom Carr
or contact Tom to make other arrangements tomauto10@yahoo.com
5. Go use your gift cards!

Other ways your regular shopping can help Hayhurst:
Fred Meyer – register your rewards and chose Hayhurst as your Charity – the more people we have, the more Fred Meyer will donate. https://www.fredmeyer.com/account/communityrewards/enroll
Escrip – Online shopping mall www.escrip.com
Amazon smile 0.5% on purchase– you MUST shop through www.amazon.smile.com

Questions? Ask your Scrip Coordinators –
Stacy Renfro – belikans@msn.com
Tom Carr – tomauto10@yahoo.com