The Scholastic Book Fairs raise funds for our school library. We are fortunate to have a supportive community participating in every fair, buying books and fun items for the kids.

We need lots of help to make the Spring Book Fair work! Lou, the Hayhurst parent alumni who’s been helping us with the fair, is not available this time, so if you can help, please do!

The Fair runs from May 20th-24th with set-up on Friday, May 17th and packing up on the afternoon of May 24th. Specifically, we’ll need extra help with the cash registers this time.

If you’re available to help with prep work, we need someone starting just about now. This will be once a week for an hour or more to help with the pre-fair stuff like putting up posters, getting the fliers ready to go home, etc.

If you can help, please get in touch with Laura Jones at the Hayhurst Library (503-916-6300 x70512).