What: You are invited to gather after dropping off your child on the first day of school. Come grab a cup of coffee, treat yourself to a donut hole (or two or three), and feel all the feelings together. Where: Hayhurst blacktop near the playground Why: Meet some new people, build community with other Kindergarten parents & get […]
Dine at City Thai in Hillsdale between 11-3 pm for lunch or 4:40 – 9 pm for dinner and Hayhurst PTA will earn 20%. Please be sure to mention Hayhurst when ordering and checking out!https://citythaipdx.com/(503) 293-73356341 SW Capitol Highway
Our open house Back to School Night is on Thursday, September 15 starting at 6:00 pm. School administrators Tara Bourland and Caitlan Freese will be welcoming families, introducing staff, and moving through a short slide deck presentation in the cafeteria from 6:00-6:15 pm. Families will have the opportunity to connect directly with their teachers between […]
Join our school admnistrators - Principal Tara Bourland and Assistant Principal Caitlan Freese - for coffee and a chance to ask questions and hear the latest on Hayhurst happenings. Enter through the cafeteria doors off the parking lot.
ANYONE CAN SPONSORThank you for your support. Click here to sponsor runners. We’re collecting donations till October 10.RUN TIMESOur Fun Run date is Friday, September 30th and the "Rain-Out" date is the following Friday, October 7th.>>> Grades K, 1, 2 will start running at 9 AM>>> Grades 3, 4, 5 will start running at 10 […]