Are you planning to buy some poinsettias this holiday season? What about your family and friends?
Why give your $$ to big-box stores when you can get your poinsettias through the PTA and support Hayhurst Elementary? Here are the main details…

We are excited to offer poinsettias from Van Wingerden Greenhouses.
We are offering 4 options:
- 6” Red Poinsettia $16
- 6” White Poinsettia $16
- 12” Red Centerpiece* $23
- 10” Red Poinsettia $29
Profits from the fundraiser go to Hayhurst PTA to support technology, school supplies, and more. Hayhurst PTA receives about $9 for every item ordered.
Pre-order only, order deadline Nov. 10th. All orders are final. Flowers must be picked up from Hayhurst School. Pickup date is Thursday, November 18th, 2:30-5:30 PM in the parking lot by the gymnasium’s side entrance.
Invite your friends, family and neighbors too!
Thank you for your support!
Find the order form here.