Nomination forms for Talented and Gifted (TAG) are now available in the office

Forms must be complete, including both the teacher and the parent sections, and turned into the school no later than November 13.

Parents of current TAG students: Annual TAG Parent Night

We will host our annual TAG Parent Night during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please mark your calendars for 6-6:30 on November 8th or 9th. The presentation will be the same on both nights, so you only need to attend one of them. Flyers are coming soon in the mail.

TAG Parent/Student surveys will also be arriving in the mail. Please take the time to complete these surveys and send them back to your child’s teacher.


If you have questions regarding TAG nominations, please contact Dawn Schlegel or speak with your child’s teacher.

Thank you!

Dawn Schlegel
Assistant Principal
Hayhurst Elementary
Portland Public Schools