Donate to help us support our students, teachers, staff, and community! You can now donate to the PTA by credit card either as a one-time payment or as a recurring, monthly donation. Thanks again for your help, it all adds up.
Make a One-Time Donation
Find the suggested donation for PTA sponsored school supplies, field trips, events, enrichment programs, and more. Donate the suggested amount or as much as you can. You don’t have to be a parent/guardian to donate.
Set Up a Monthly Donation
If you’d like to make a recurring monthly donation instead of, or in addition to, the single payment option, use this option. It only takes a few click.
Pick a Fundraiser That Works for You
While we try to limit the number of fundraising activities we take on every year, we do have quite a few. That’s because we’re catering to the needs of different community members. And, since we’re not a “rich school”—In fact, we have quite a few families that need our support—we have to allow more people to participate in fundraising.
We know that some of us would rather set up a donation once a year and then forget about all the runs, sales, and whatever else we have going on. If that’s you, head over to our annual donation form, and set up your donation now. Then, when you know you’ve done your share, ignore additional calls for support that don’t fit you. They’re there for somebody else.
If, on the other hand, you can only manage so much at the beginning of the year, say cover school supplies, or maybe school supplies and field trips, we get it! Donate as much as you can through direct give, and keep an eye out for future fundraisers to see if you can help some more.
If Direct Give Isn’t for You, Consider These Options
Help the school and the PTA while getting stuff you’d get anyway
like when you buy books at the book fairs or flowers at the flower sales, get dinner at a restaurant night, buy holiday gifts and other items at the auction. Plus, there’s Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards where you really just need to sign up.
Take part in fundraisers that bring our community together
Like the restaurant nights, when we do them live, and the runs, in a way, especially for those volunteering and cheering. Plus, before all this Covid stuff, the live auction used to bring many of us together without kids to distract us, maybe we’ll get to do that again at some point.
Get your family, friends, and neighbors to support the PTA
Getting people to sponsor your student for the runs is one way. Inviting family, friends, and neighbors to buy flowers at our flower sales is another. $50 collected from five people is still $50 that the PTA wouldn’t have had if you or your kiddos haven’t gone around to get people to donate.
Beyond Fundraisers
More Ways to Support the PTA
There are more ways to collect funds or help collect funds for the PTA and its programs.

Corporate Match
Does your employer have a corporate matching program? Ask them to match your donation to the PTA. Hayhurst PTA is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
Recycle to Support the School
Our Food Bags Program appreciates all bottle and can drops and can always use more.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Hayhurst PTA receives donations based on the shopping you do at Fred Meyer, at no added cost to you. Start by linking your Shopper’s Card to Hayhurst Elementary PTA (GA710).
Hayhurst Library Book Fairs
The library organizes book fairs (usually, one in the fall and another in spring) to collect funds for books. Support the library with your purchases and by volunteering (when in-person book fairs are available).
We Could Use Your Help
Volunteers Needed
We are always looking for volunteers to help carry the fundraising effort at Hayhurst. There are so many great ideas and initiatives, but we’re all busy with everything else. The more people show up to help the less work falls on each of us. We’ve done so much for our school community over the years, it’s been fun. Get in touch to see how you can help.