Recycle to Support Hayhurst

Updated: August 21st, 2020


Recycle for Food Bags with Bottle Deposit Returns

Did you know that our school provides weekend food bags for over 25 food insecure families in our school community each week? Friday mornings are the time to come help right after drop off in the cafetorium. Find out more here.

BUT there is yet another way you can help.

We are asking for your bottle deposit returns to help fund the food bags. You can drop off bags of Oregon Bottle Deposit cans and bottles (glass or plastic with the OR 10 cent mark on it) in the NE corner of the cafetorium at the PTA closet door; we will set up a bin there for your returns..

No lids. Please at least empty them of liquids.

We will turn this into money for the food bags, and because we buy our produce from Fred Meyer, your $0.10 becomes $0.12 of spendable money. If you want to become a frequent giver, contact Kirsten Carr so she can get you the green bags needed to streamline return.

With just a few bags of cans and bottles dropped off over the summer, we have already funded the first three weeks of food ($225). Imagine what we could do with an actual concerted ongoing effort!

We will use this system for return. I have the specific supplies needed so please bring the returnables to me directly. If you would like to help return bottles for the school, please let me know!

For more info/questions/supplies, please reach out to Kirsten Carr !

Thanks for helping make our community resources go farther!

Recycling for $$$ – Hayhurst Can Now Accept Any of the Following On Site

We receive some money for recycled items and money goes to support PTA activities. See collection points in the cafetorium.

All Brita items

Including packaging

Energy/Granola/Cereal Bars – Program Terminated

The program that recycles foil-lined energy bar wrappers such as granola bars and cereal bars was closed. Unfortunately, that means they no go in landfill.

Dental Hygiene (ANY BRAND)


Toothpaste tubes (empty)

Empty Floss containers (not floss)

Empty Deodorant containers

Fruit Squeeze pouches and lids


All Burt’s Bees Products

Includes Throat Lozenges Wrappers

Pet Food Bags (Brand Specific)

Accepted Brands Are

Earth Animal


Royal Canin

Open Farm


Health and Nutrition Packaging ***ANY BRAND***

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements Packaging

Sexual health and well-being Packaging

Cough, cold, flu, sore throat, and nasal care Packaging

Infant formula and child nutrition Packaging

Personal care and foot care Packaging



Packaging including

blister packs,






NO Rx Bottles