We have completed the Courtyard tours for fall save one first grade class which I missed and which needs to be rescheduled.

I applaud the teachers and students. The interest in the courtyard and vegetable garden was amazing to me. This is my first year as Unity Garden Coordinator and I have been impressed with the staff, parents, and students. I am honored to be part of your community.

Green Tomatoes

There are many yet green tomatoes, which you are welcome to harvest. There will be little or ripening as we progress into fall. I also volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank garden and it seems this has been a year for green tomatoes. The variety we planted in both locations do not like the very hot summer we had this year.


As a point of information, we donated between 35 and 40 pounds of produce from the vegetable garden to Neighborhood House in Multnomah Village.


We have plans to begin beautification of the front the school but plans are not yet complete. We will keep you apprised of progress. In the meantime, your ideas are welcome, which you can email me.


We also are looking for volunteers to join our Garden Committee. If you or someone you know who might be interested, please let me know.
Click here for information about who is on our committee and volunteer opportunities.

Student Involvement

As you know, Green School House merged with Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors (ECO). ECO is now conducting the after school garden club classes. We are very interested in equity of opportunity for all students. We would appreciate your thoughts on how we might provide opportunities for all students to participate in learning more about the art and science of gardening, and nature and habitat. We also will communicate our thoughts and ideas with you.

We look forward to seeing you and your students throughout the school year.

Mike Patterson
Unity Garden Coordinator