Congratulations to Sam Heinonen, Pace Lykins, and Annika Lykins for winning first place in the Trunk or Treat Blitz Quad Tournament last Friday! This was a fun warm-up for the Hayhurst Halloween K-12 Chess Tournament on Sunday, which saw us hosting more than 150 students from 63 schools for five rounds of scholastic chess.

Hayhurst sent almost two dozen volunteers who worked from before sunrise to after sunset to make the tournament a success. We had the largest team in the tournament with roughly 20 players. Hayhurst won first place in the U600 team awards and also had several students win individual awards in U600, U900, and U1200. Congratulations to everyone and another round of thanks to our volunteers!

Full results and rating adjustments will appear on later this week.

And thank you to Chad Lykins for organizing all this chess fun for Hayhurst!