We are looking to fill a few of our “chair” roles at the PTA for next year. We believe that many hands make light work. These assignments are supported by many others, but we need someone to lead or organize this work. Please let Christy Splitt know if you are interested in learning more by emailing president@hayhurstpta.org or texting 971-404-7279. 

Equity Co-Chair

The Hayhurst PTA has a Social Justice and Equality Committee that has carried out various efforts over the years. In the past, this has included a multicultural fair, book clubs, guest lectures for kids and parents, and field trips. One of our current chairs has agreed to continue in her role as Co-Chair and we are looking for a partner for her in this important work.   

Fundraising Chair

The fundraising lead coordinates our various fundraising activities each year. The funds we raise make it possible to do our work to build community and support our students and staff; our fundraising events often build community. This year, our fundraising lead created an online donation page for direct giving, organized the Run for Hayhurst, supported the poinsettia sale and the pie sale, and assisted the auction team.

Garden Chair

The Hayhurst Unity Garden has a solid foundation and an anchor – a great crew of volunteers. Our longtime Garden Chair is stepping out of leadership and into a supportive role as her kids are off to middle school. We are looking for someone to be the liaison between the existing committee and the PTA, to help spread the word and recruit for garden workdays, and to roll up their sleeves and keep our schoolyard beautiful and inviting.

Staff Appreciation Coordinator

We love our Hayhurst staff and want to make sure they know it all year long. Our staff appreciation coordinator would help pull together some sort of fun treat for staff once a month, organize gifts for non-classroom teacher staff ahead of Winter Break, and coordinate efforts around Classified and Teacher Appreciation Week. 

Auction Chair

For years, the auction has been a big event for our PTA as well as our biggest fundraiser. The role involves coordinating efforts to gather donations, put together packages, draft communication, and manage the event itself. It’s possible that we could do an in-person event in the 2022-2023 school year, but an online auction is also possible.