Passport club is a Geography Enrichment program for elementary students. It is mostly a home study program with 5 different challenge levels based on ability and motivation of the kids. Students will be given a study map at the beginning of each month and then parents will help them get their passports signed off at the end of each month.

Passport Club is a (school)year long program which starts over every year in the fall (first maps go out in September). Each year kids can move up a level and there are also special challenges for those who really want to dig in deep!

There is no cost to students. Maps will be sent home in backpacks and also available online.

Some Clarifications

1) Where do I sign up?

You do not need to sign up your kid. Anyone who wants to can participate on stamp day – last Thursday (K-2) or Friday (3-5) am of the month.

2) How do I know what to help my kid study?

The front of the map is the labelled map – it is for you to quiz and practice remembering

The back side has the items for study with a blank map – for example this month level 1 is all of the continents – they are listed and have pronunciation guides

3) Which level is my kiddo supposed to study?

K-1 are doing level 1 and then each grade is doing the level that equals their grade
Your kiddo can level up if they want 🙂 but they need to let the stamp checker which level they studied

4) What is my kid supposed to learn?

This is just memorization of places and ability to identify them as we all know how easy it is to forget where things are in the world. But if you want to challenge with more info, there are links more challenges below and the librarian, art teacher, TAG coordinator and classroom teachers may also be incorporating some of the more specific regions as the year progresses.

Try the fun practice quizzes (mostly for level 5) here and here. You can also pick up a map in the office.

For more details, please click here.

Please contact Kirsten Carr to volunteer or with any questions.