Quick note from your friendly Hayhurst TAG Coordinator…

Nominations for the PPS Talented and Gifted (TAG) program at Hayhurst are open until January 7th, 2022. Curious about TAG? See this presentation for more information.

Students can be nominated in math, reading, and/or intellectual TAG categories. You can nominate your student every year, even if they did not qualify in the past. ** If you think you nominated your student last year, send me an email! You may not need to re-nominate this year. ** This is a great subject to bring up at upcoming family-teacher conferences!

Unsure what giftedness may look like? Check out these resources (site 1, site 2, site 3).

The nomination form for Hayhurst can be found here and will be open until January 7th, 2022.

Let me know via my school email if you have questions – jstoffan1@pps.net

Thanks! Jade