
Chess Club lessons start next week. Each lesson is 60 minutes of instructor-facilitated lessons and games. Lessons take place via Zoom and Lichess.

Lesson consist of a mix of the following:

  1. Achievements: Celebrating development milestones for each player
  2. Game Analysis: Highlighting teachable moments in student games
  3. Strategy: Focused overview on key concepts
  4. Tactics: Developing calculation, visualization, and pattern recognition
  5. Open Play: Students play each other and the coach in Lichess Tournaments and Simuls

Our lessons are actively inclusive of children from underrepresented racial, economic, gender, and neurodiverse groups.


Chad Lykins is an USCF Tournament Director, Vice-President of the Oregon Scholastic Chess Federation, chess dad, and active club player. He teaches beginner and intermediate students.

Matt Zavortink is an USCF National Master and Two-Time Oregon State Champion. He coaches beginner through advanced students. In addition to being a chess coach, Matt is an accomplished musician and mountain rescue volunteer.


Please feel free to email Chad with any questions.


For more details and to register, please click here.